Prin „criza” ma refer strict la „criza
financiara”, adica incapacitatea de plata (a datoriilor). Atat. Nu ma refer la „penurie”,
„lipsuri alimentare”, „intreruperea alimentarii cu energie electrica”, „cartelizarea”
(painii, benzinei etc), adica toate lucrurile pe care romanii le-au trait pe
pielea lor in magicul deceniu 1978-1988, in cei zece ani in care datoria
externa a tarii a fost platita integral si inainte de termen. Pentru noi, aia a
fost „criza”, nu paradisul asta de azi in care se rasfata grecii! Si-i zic tot „criza”...
de aici o gramada de neintelegeri.
Bun, reiau: suntem in 2015, iar Grecia
(statul elen) este incapabila sa-si plateasca datoriile. Nu numai atat, dar
nici nu poate trai fara a face altele, zi de zi si clipa de clipa. Sa numim
asta „criza financiara” si gata, ca sa n-o mai lungim. Vin cu intrebarea: de
cand dateaza ea?
Citez din cartea „Sapiens: A Brief
History of Humankind”, de Yuval Noah Harari, editura HarperCollins, 2014, ISBN 978-0062316097, in traducerea
autorului (originalul a aparut in Israel, in 2011, dar ala nu se pune, ca
nimeni nu stie sa citeasca in ivrit!), subcapitolul „In the Name of Capital” din
capitolul 16 (The Capitalist Creed):
„In 1821 the Greeks rebelled against the
Ottoman Empire. The uprising aroused great sympathy in liberal and romantic
circles – Lord Byron, the poet, even went to Greece to fight alongside the
insurgents. But London financiers saw an opportunity as well. They proposed to
the rebel leaders the issue of tradable Greek Rebellion Bonds on the London
stock exchange. The Greeks would promise to repay the bonds, plus interest, if
and when they won the independence. Private investors bought bonds to make a
profit, or out of sympathy for the Greek cause, or both. The value of Greek
Rebellion Bonds rose and fell on the London stock exchange in tempo with
military successes and failures on the battlefields of Hellas. The Turks
gradually gained the upper hand. With a rebel defeat imminent, the bondholders
faced the prospect of losing their trousers. The bondholders’ interest was the
national interest, so the British organised an international fleet that, in
1827, sank the main Ottoman flotilla in the Battle of Navarino. After centuries
of subjugation, Greece was finally free. But freedom came with a huge debt that
the new country had no way of repaying. The Greek economy was mortgaged to British
creditors for decades to come”.
Gata, am
incheiat citatul. Trag doua concluzii: unu, „criza greaca” a inceput o data cu
nasterea tarii, deci expresiile „stat national grec” si „criza (financiara)
greaca” sunt sinonime. Doi, statul grec nu va imploda datorita crizei
financiare. Daca nu a facut-o in aproape 200 de ani de existenta, sunt foarte
mici sanse s-o faca acum, cand sta la caldurica sub moneda euro ca puiul sub
Si, daca imi permiteti, o concluzie strict personala, de tip „profetie”:
Alex Tsipras n-o sa reformeze absolut nimic. De fapt, il doare la basca, si are
motive bine intemeiate!
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